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James Crall

I am dedicated to teaching and mentoring scientists at all stages of their career. I focus particularly on cultivating curiosity and critical thinking about the natural world by engaging students directly in cutting-edge research. I also use hands-on and applied questions in biology, animal behavior, and ecology as a way to teach students fundamental skills in data science, computer programming, and experimental design. I have had the pleasure of mentoring dozens of young scientists. Together with Dr. Glenna Clifton (UCSD), I developed and taught a course on visualizing Life in Motion at Tufts' University's Experimental College. I have also served as Teaching Fellow for several classes at Harvard University, including a small, lab-based class in Neuroethology, that led to a student-led project on cockroach personality (now published in Animal Behavior). Before my PhD, I taught biology to high school students at Colegio Menor San Francisco de Quito, in Ecuador.

Here's a seminar I gave recently on my research at the Arnold Arboretum in Boston
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